Spotlight: PREDATOR Flap Discs and Quick-Loks

PREDATOR™ ceramic hybrid material is a proprietary blend of self-sharpening abrasive grains, producing an aggressive cut. Integrated grinding aids further reduce grinding temperatures that extend the material life. Our PREDATOR™ Ceramic Hybrid branded flap discs and quick-loks are up to the challenge for your metalworking needs.

Metals Good Better Best
Mild Steel     predator ceramic hybrid icon
Stainless Steel   predator ceramic hybrid icon  
Titanium/Aluminum predator ceramic hybrid icon    


PREDATOR Ceramic Hybrid quick-change discs outlast the competition by adding additional self-sharpening grains to the top layer of the disc. The dual grinding aid layers increase life by providing a cooler working surface.

Flap Discs

Flap discs combine the benefits of finer finishing and aggressive grinding. PREDATOR Ceramic Hybrid flap discs deliver fast material removal while remaining flexible for cleanup and finishing.

About PREDATOR Ceramic Hybrid

Successful product development depends on the ability to work alongside you in the field to determine the needs of your clients. PREDATOR is a direct result of years of field research and laboratory development. PREDATOR Ceramic Hybrid is a premium blend of proprietary ceramic abrasives, resulting in additional margin and added value through productivity enhancement and product life.

predator ceramic hybrid family


PREDATOR is a proprietary ceramic hybrid grain that provides cost savings by providing and unmatched price-performance ratio to American manufacturing. ARC started with an idea to develop a range of products that would prove to be of value to customers by adding margin to their bottom line.

This basis has served us well for the past decade. However, like our logo, PREDATOR has morphed into an innovative, cutting edge technology. This thinking has been proven in products like the Quick-Loks System and Performance Coating. These products and enhancements will continue to define the market so that NO METAL STANDS A CHANCE.

If you are further interested in our PREDATOR Ceramic Hybrid product, head over to the brand page. Be sure to check out our social media pages on Linkedin and Facebook to keep up with our weekly updates!