The Daily Grind is the ARC Abrasives, Inc. blog that showcases any news, case studies, and upcoming events for the company and consumers. Start by reading any of the posts below.
How Premium Ceramic Grains Can Elevate Business
Why would you want to choose ceramic grains over others like Zirconia Alumina, or Aluminum Oxide? While Aluminum Oxide is the most common and least expensive, it doesn’t provide the longest life and it dulls during use. This causes excessive product change for machine usage and tools, and it may not do the best under high pressure. Zirconia Alumina works a lot better under high pressure and works well on stainless steel, but it tends to struggle to effectively grind for long periods of time. Ceramic grains are a powerhouse abrasive that is known to be very tough, sharp and long-lasting, but what makes Premium Ceramic different over other ceramic grains?
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